Sunday, November 25, 2007

Been a Few!

Well it has been a few days since I was in. I know, I don't want to start ignoring my adoring fans! Well it has been busy, I decided it was finally time to get some things unpacked and put away since we have been here for three months now. Not only that, but the girls had their 8, and 6 birthday parties this weekend. They are getting so big, and we did an overnight with 10 lil girls, screaming lil girls. Oh boy!
It was great, except one girl decided to pick up my 20 mo old and carry her down the stairs. They got down two steps and slid the rest of the way on their butts, and a couple at the end head over heals. My baby had a scraped nose, and the other lil girl had a bruised thigh. We were okay besides that. Thank my God, He did it. I am so happy it was all okay. Other than that, the party was a smashing success and all attendees went home very happy with my skills at homemade pizza making and cake making and decorating. I did it all from scratch per the requests of my girls. It saved us a bundle too, and I realized that I can make pizza from scratch very quickly, it was great.
Aren't I becoming quite the domestic engineer. What happened? I remember swearing off children and marriage in high school and now only a mear 13 years later I have been married twice and had four children. OMGoodness, has it really been 13 years since I graduated? Yep it has. So all of you high school chums reading up on my post, hahaha, it has been that long for you as well! Aren't we getting old. I still feel young at heart though, but my legs feel it at the end of the day.
I had better sign off, the babies are out, and I am dead tired with only getting 3 hours of sleep a night for four nights. I need more!

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