Monday, December 31, 2007

Sorry, Computer problems!

Okay so with two computers in the house you would think we are never without online access, right? Wrong. It just so happens that both computers had fan issues shortly after I last signed on and posted. Anyway, with the hectic time of year, holidays, girls birthday parties, and the such, we took a while getting to the computer. It just so happened that it was not a big deal to be without it. I am kinda glad it was gone, because now I have gained some perspective on how it ruled my life. I may not be on as much, but I will be here, I promise!
Merry Christmas, I hope it was great for everyone. Our's was nice. My mom is here for Christmas, and she also visited my older brother that lives in Ohio. She will be here a couple more days into the new year and then head back in time to get to my lil brother for his birthday on January 3. I am so glad to be able to have her here. It is stressful because she and DH clash a bit but we make due. She has a tendency to put her hatred for my father on the men in my life. Oh well, we get over it.
I am doing the whole New Year's Eve party for the kids here tonight so it should be interesting. I hope it is tons of fun! Hope you all have a wonderful New Year, I will be talking to all of you next year.

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