Thursday, February 02, 2006

And so we begin!

Well everyone, life is pretty much the same as it is everyday here. I am just pregnant and living my life. Life gets hectic and crazy with two children and one overgrown child, but it is great!
We are finally begining to pick up things for our new arrival. We have accumulated a bassinet and some clothes, but I worry bout buying too many toys before she will actually need them, hehehe! Everyone is excited. I went to the doctor yesterday and she assures me that things are going along just as planned and the baby is great. Maddie still insists that it is a boy though, she will hold on to that hope until a lil girl pops out.
I am seated on the couch as we speak, curled up with my lil Maddie just watching a good movie ( Home on the Range), Maia is in school. OMG! Yes she is already in full time all day school, I can't believe she is not the lil baby I had just a few weeks ago as it seems. They both have gotten so big this past year. They grow up way too fast.
As for anything else, oh yes, David is getting over his pnuemonia, thank goodness, because we were a sad couple with me big and pregnant and him too sick to rise from bed. Dinner was a big show every night, neither one of us felt like cooking, but we managed, and ate out a bit.
Well life calls my name, I guess I should be going! Everyone have a great day!

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